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Англо-русский политический словарь - progressive


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прогрессивный, передовой; возрастающий, поступательный

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См. в других словарях

  поступательный (о движении) ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
   1. adj.  1) прогрессивный, передовой  2) поступательный (о движении); progressive rotation - вращательно-поступательное движение  3) прогрессирующий  4) постепенный  2. noun  1) прогрессивный деятель  2) (Progressive) член прогрессивной партии ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. прогрессивный человек; сторонник прогресса; прогрессист 2. ам. член прогрессивной партии 3. прогрессивный, передовой progressive policy —- прогрессивная политика progressive mankind —- передовое человечество 4. поступательный progressive advance —- поступательное развитие 5. пропорционально увеличивающийся, прогрессивный progressive taxation —- прогрессивное налогообложение 6. прогрессирующий progressive paralysis —- мед. прогрессивный паралич 7. постепенный by progressive stages —- постепенно 8. грам. продолженный progressive form —- продолженная форма, континуатив 9. муз. прогрессивный progressive rock —- прогрессивный рок ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I член Прогрессивной партии См. Progressive Party II (The Progressive) "Прогрессив" Ежемесячный общественно-политический журнал либерального направления. Издается в г. Мэдисоне, шт. Висконсин. Основан в 1909. Тираж около 35 тыс. экз. ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  прил. 1) прогрессивный, передовой 2) прогрессирующий 3) поступательный (о движении) 4) постепенный 5) пропорционально увеличивающийся - progressive advance - progressive changes - progressive operations - progressive piece rates - progressive wages ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) постепенный 2) поступательный 3) прогрессивный continuous progressive code — код с расстоянием единица - progressive acceleration - progressive approximation - progressive average - progressive censoring - progressive covering - progressive motion - progressive segregation - progressive shuttering ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 moving forward (progressive motion). 2 proceeding step by step; cumulative (progressive drug use). 3 a (of a political party, government, etc.) favouring or implementing rapid progress or social reform. b modern; efficient (this is a progressive company). 4 (of disease, violence, etc.) increasing in severity or extent. 5 (of taxation) at rates increasing with the sum taxed. 6 (of a card-game, dance, etc.) with periodic changes of partners. 7 Gram. (of an aspect) expressing an action in progress, e.g. am writing, was writing. 8 (of education) informal and without strict discipline, stressing individual needs. --n. (also Progressive) an advocate of progressive political policies. Derivatives progressively adv. progressiveness n. progressivism n. progressivist n. & adj. Etymology: F progressif -ive or med.L progressivus (as PROGRESS) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Date: circa 1612  1.  a. of, relating to, or characterized by progress  b. making use of or interested in new ideas, findings, or opportunities  c. of, relating to, or constituting an educational theory marked by emphasis on the individual child, informality of classroom procedure, and encouragement of self-expression  2. of, relating to, or characterized by progression  3. moving forward or onward ; advancing  4.  a. increasing in extent or severity a ~ disease  b. increasing in rate as the base increases a ~ tax  5. often capitalized of or relating to political Progressives  6. of, relating to, or constituting a verb form that expresses action or state in progress at the time of speaking or a time spoken of  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date: 1846  1.  a. one that is ~  b. one believing in moderate political change and especially social improvement by governmental action  2. capitalized a member of any of various United States political parties: as  a. a member of a predominantly agrarian minor party that around 1912 split off from the Republicans; specifically Bull Moose  b. a follower of Robert M. La Follette in the presidential campaign of 1924  c. a follower of Henry A. Wallace in the presidential campaign of 1948 ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (progressives) 1. Someone who is progressive or has progressive ideas has modern ideas about how things should be done, rather than traditional ones. ...a progressive businessman who had voted for Roosevelt in 1932 and 1936... The children go to a progressive school. ? conservative ADJ • A progressive is someone who is progressive. The Republicans were deeply split between progressives and conservatives. ? conservative N-COUNT 2. A progressive change happens gradually over a period of time. One prominent symptom of the disease is progressive loss of memory. = gradual ? sudden ADJ: usu ADJ n • progressively Her symptoms became progressively worse... The amount of grant the council received from the Government was progressively reduced. = gradually ADV: ADV compar, ADV with v 3. In grammar, progressive means the same as continuous. ADJ: ADJ n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 supporting new or modern ideas and methods, especially in politics and education  (a progressive administration | progressive and forward-looking policies) 2 happening or developing gradually over a period of time  (the progressive elimination of rural poverty | Britain's progressive decline as a world power) 3 the progressive form of a verb is used to show that an action or activity is continuing to happen, and is shown in English by the verb `be', followed by a present participle, as in `I was waiting for the bus' - progressively adv  (The situation became progressively worse.) - progressiveness n ~2 n someone with modern ideas who wants to change things ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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